Snatched dis link from one of the buddy blogger :)


Few examples :

Al Desco -Describes any meal eaten at your desk (you have our sympathies if it's dinner).
ALAP -As Late As Possible
Blamestorming - Meeting to discuss a failure and find a scapegoat
Deja moo - The nagging feeling that you've heard this B.S. before
Enail - An email sent for the sole purpose of making a point in writing, usually at another person's expense. Most effective when cc'ed to as many senior people as possible
Facipulate - An unfortunate mix of 'facilitate' and 'manipulate', this contrived verb refers to influencing the course of a discussion by indirectly promoting particular lines of thought
FUBAR-F***ed Up Beyond All Repair
Head shunting - The secret hiring of a head hunter to persuade an ineffectual employee to take a position at another firm. Nicely eliminates the mess of having to fire someone