more than 2 months since i really blogged...
i realized tht pretty late n now, i am back to reclaim (?!!) [not that someone snatched or stole it from me]..
n i sit down in front of me keyboard...i realize i have nothing to speak on.
me..the articulative most verbose humanoid...
n i have nothing to say..
what is the world coming to?
will there be a day in the near future, when i become reticent, humble n pragmatic?
a nuclear war is a better prospect!!!
god save the world..

wht do i want?
three years ago, if asked, i would have a perfect answer to this question. i had everything i wanted from life, listed out with surprising lucidity. and that was exactly when things started going topsy turvy with me, till i banked at a levee of fate, where i no more have an idea about what is happening with me. it is really surprising to see how just 2 days of unplanned activity can create chaos. now i see havoc pullulating from all the directions. and i realize woe begone, that i have practically no reigns of control.
god save me!!

few days bak, chatin vth my frnd AJ intro a new way of living DBC.. hey wanna know abt DBC,, its despo boys club... he he heeee.. contact me or AJ 4 details..

these days are just not my days..
god must have had a Machiavellian sense of humor. for heaven's sake, i've never been through 24 hours in my life that were this shitty. i had a proverbial "iron leg" today, not counting the miserable experiences. and worse, i missed bus and lightrail, walk in full chill breeze vth rainly, aah, my d-umbrella wanna ran away 4m me!!!
i get to reiterate my fate to a lifeless blank monitor with no pals to hear my grievances. n the travesty is, i have umpteen number of missed calls on my mobile!!! uff!!!
it's just as the saying goes... "every dog has its day" just wasn't mine. :(

jill jill jiga...jill jill jiga..(yappi days)
uff...this song has been persistently going in my mind since the last few days. so much ( mind u- not humming it, but with my hand dancing for it in an imitation of rap). it has got a great beat real good lyrics. cool!!