Savithri was born on December 6th, in the year 1936 in Chirravur, which is a village in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. Nissankara Guraviah and Subhadramma were her parents. She lost her father when she was just six years old. With her uncle’s support, she studied till third form (eighth standard) in Kasturi Bai Memorial School at Vijayawada.
She learnt dancing while she was studying and got loads of appreciations whenever she performed on the stage. She was bestowed into the film industry at a very young age (at the age of twelve) as she got an offer in the film ‘Agni Pariksha’. She merely missed the chance because she looked too young to play the role in that particular film. Soon after that, she got a key role in the film ‘Samsaram’, which was produced by the banner ‘Sadhana Chitra’ in 1950 but again bad luck shoved off the role since she felt very abashed and tensed up to take through with Akkineni Nageswara Rao as he is a big star. As a result she was replaced by Pushpalatha but was offered a small role in that movie. When the film was released, the producers and directors recognized her inborn talent. She caught chances to act in films like ‘Sankranthi’, ‘Palleturu’ etc. She performed in a dance flick in the legendary film ‘Pathala Bhairavi’ in 1951. There was no looking back for Savithri, after she had performed as a second heroine in the film ‘Pelli Chesi Choodu’ in 1952. Once when she took a chance to visit Gemini Studios, for the first time she met Gemini Ganeshan over there. Gemini Ganeshan used to be a well-known hero in the Tamil industry and was called as ‘Kaadal Mannan’ (King of Love) by the Tamil audience. Gemini Ganeshan, subsequently, said about Savithri “She would definitely develop into an outstanding actress in future.” Later his calculation turned out to be true when she got an offer in the film ‘Devadas’, pairing with Akkineni Nageswara Rao. She incurred a substantial position for her in the Telugu film industry after acting in the film ‘Devadas’ in the year 1953.
This was the film, which raised Savithri's image as an artiste. Among the films of Savithri, the most illustrious films were ‘Missamma’, ‘Maya Bazar’, ‘Ardhangi’, ‘Kanya Sulkam’, ‘Devatha’, ‘Naadee Aada Janme’, etc., where her astonishing performance bewitched the spectators. She acted about 318 films in Telugu, Tamil and a few films in Hindi like ‘Bahut Din Huyen’, ‘Ghar Basake Dekho’, ‘Balaram Sri Krishna’, ‘Ganga ki Leharen’ etc. She almost acted with every top hero of the Telugu and the Tamil cinema fields. Savithri used to take over the scene regardless of the actor she was performing with. She was similarly triumphed over the Telugu and Tamil industries. She was treated as the number one heroine. Because at that time there used to be nearly 20 Savithri starred movies released in a year. Every role where Savithri had enacted made her to stand as a persistent symbol. The audience as well as the critics appreciated her. The women audience would adore Savithri for her liveliness and captivating performance. During her career, she focused her mind only on acting. She found no time to think about anything other than acting. She was very dedicated to her career. Since she was chubby, she even underwent severe dieting to suit her role while she was acting for some of her films. Savithri was not only a distinguished actress but also a refined film director. She had directed films like ‘Chinnari Papalu’, ‘Chiranjeevi’, ‘Maathru Devatha’ and ‘Vintha Samsaram’in Telugu and a few films in Tamil. Her misfortune started with the film ‘Praptam’ (Mooga Manasulu in Telugu) the Tamil film, which was made under her own production and direction. The film took nearly five years to be completed and that pushed Savithri into non-recoverable debts. She would watch all the Hollywood movies and analyze them in an amazing manner. She loved Sophia Loren and Shirley McLain.
Her association with the Tamil actor Gemini Ganeshan feathered while they were acting together for a Tamil film ‘Manam Pola Mangalyam’ and it was again a love story, which directed to a secret marriage in the year 1956. Afterward it was revealed subsequently when Savithri gave her photo for the Lux soap advertisement, as it was signed as ‘Savithri Ganesh’ at the backside of the photograph. Savithri and Gemini were blessed with two children Vijaya Chamundeswari and Sathish. Savithri used to be very strict, disciplined and compassionate as a mother. Because of her work pressure she hardly found time to spend with her kids. Even then she used to capture some time out of her hectic schedule and spent a good quality of time with her kids. She gave her children complete liberty while insuring certain restrictions on them. She never raised hands at her children. She loved her kids immeasurably. Since there was no availability of televisions in our country at that time, she arranged a 16mm projector, to show the films that she had acted to her kids. Even though she discussed about films with her children she never entertained them to pick for films, as she never wished her children to experience the pains, which she had faced. Savithri's 100th film ‘Konjum Salangai’ (‘Muripinche Muvvalu’ in Telugu) happened to be paired with Gemini Ganeshan! Apart from the films and her children, jasmine flowers and drizzling rain were her favorite whimsies. She used to have a jasmine garden at her home and she delighted plucking flowers from the bushes and wearing them on her hair. She used to swamp herself in the rain, which was an enjoyment for her. Before I forget Savithri was a left-hander. She also had a great enthrallment towards sports and games like cricket and chess. She never missed a cricket match that was played in Chennai. Famous West Indies cricketer Gary Sobers was her most favorite sports person. Even in those days she participated in the star-cricket with Sivaji Ganeshan.
She even possessed an attractive chess table made of ivory. She was born with a tremendous sense of humour so as she got a great and perfect proficiency in mimicking others. She left no person that she had known not imitated. She enjoyed replicating people e.g. her husband Gemini Ganeshan, Relangi, Saroja Devi, Sivaji Ganeshan, S.V. Ranga Rao, Kabir Bedi and many others. Basically she was very strong-minded and unwavering person. No human factor could change her choices that she had made once furthermore she would never give up things easily. She would never tell her problems to anyone she led her life according to her own inherent aptitude. She was very freehearted and freehanded while extending helping hands to others. Once she went entirely bejeweled with gold and diamonds to meet the Prime Minister, Sri Lal Bahaddur Shastri and gave away all the adornment for the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund. Some people exploited her quality of innocence and generosity. She was awarded with the title ‘Kalai Mamani’ by the Tamilnadu State Government, ‘Nati Siromani’ by the Andhra Yuvathi Mandali and with an apt title as ‘Mahanati’. Unfortunately marriage was not a good occurrence in Savithri’s life. When her husband, the person, whom she adored and trusted a lot, ditched her, she was awfully distressed moreover it was a great blow on her trust towards a person. The shock directed her to undergo depressed conditions in her later part of life. It was very painful for her to live alone in a vast house with two immature children. She lost trust in people and adopted dangerous habits like alcohol, sleeping pills, and drugs. Slowly the appetite vanished, intoxicants had overruled her sentiments and sensitivities. Savithri was hospitalized many times. She suffered a lot during her stay at the hospitals. On the course of her travel to Mysore for a shooting she broke down, went into coma, and was hurried back to Chennai where her children admitted her in a hospital.
There she lost her speech and left this world on 26th, December 1981 at Madras. She left her screen life as an eternal model. But what she was offered in return ?
Leo is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac. Moving past the exploration of the world and the need to nurture of the first four Signs, Leo's great need is to create. Virgo, the sixth Sign of the Zodiac, brings their skills and talents together for the good of others. Those born on the Leo/Virgo Cusp have the vitality and ambition to be successful in their creative endeavours and are industrious and efficient when working for a good cause.The astrological symbol of Leo is the Lion, and Leo takes on all the dramatic, grand characteristics of the King of the Jungle. The astrological symbol of Virgo is the Virgin. This symbol indicates the qualities of a virgin rather than the definition: Virgos and Virgo Cusps tend to be shy and somewhat nervous, and they may be undemonstrative. The Leo/Virgo is a curious mixture of introverted and extroverted tendencies, modesty and flamboyance, and a capacity to see both the largest and the smallest picture in every situation. They are practical, logical and extremely creative. Virgos and Virgo Cusps are skilled at seeing all sides of a situation. In this way, Virgo exemplifies the Mutable quality assigned to it. Leos and Leo Cusps hold strong, steady opinions and have a strong ability to see their projects through to the end. In this way, Leo exemplifies the Fixed quality assigned to it. Leo/Virgos are good businesspeople because of their methodical attention to detail and their ability to stick with a practical and organised routine. They are good organisers and they tend to be popular, even inspiring.Leo is ruled by the Sun. Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the messenger god. He was a quick, nervous type, known for his strong reasoning and capacity for analysing. Communication was his province. As a Planet, Mercury is androgynous. In ancient times, the Sun was believed to be the centre of the Universe, the core of existence, the Father.
Leo/Virgo Cusps are gregarious, social and fun-loving, and live life with enthusiasm. The natural leadership of these people and their administrative prowess help ensure that their projects are successful. Leo/Virgos enjoy exploring their interests deeply. They are very good at understanding the deeper meaning of what others say. They rely on logic rather than emotion to make their decisions. They are reliable, practical and diligent, but they can sometimes seem picky or overcritical to those who aren't as discriminating as they are.
Leo/Virgos are decisive and direct, optimistic that they will succeed. Sometimes they exaggerate problems and overreact to stumbling blocks, but generally they are positive, and their natural pride and stubborn streak keeps them from giving up. The Element associated with Leo is Fire. Fire Signs are physical: They tend to respond to the world through action rather than intellect or emotion. The Element associated with Virgo is Earth. They tend to respond to the world by examining the worth of each possible course of action. Leo/Virgos, or Fire/Earth Signs, are able to analyse and then take appropriate action. They are selective and discriminating, but are always moving and quick. Their warm-hearted and outgoing personalities are fiery and abundant. They are cheerful and self-assured, studious and sensible in business dealings. They are sceptical of extravagant claims and promises. Many Leo/Virgos, however, love to gamble, and may be brash and extravagant at the gaming table. They also tend to be very health-conscious. They are concerned with diet and hygiene. This interest in health ensures they take good care of their mental and physical selves.
Which classes are loaded by the custom loader?
In order to allow hot refresh, class references in your servlet and JSP code must be resolved by EAServer's custom class loader.
Classes loaded by the system class loader Class instances loaded by the system class loader cannot be refreshed. Class instances loaded by the custom class loader cannot be assigned to references loaded by the system class loader, or vice-versa.
Most all references will be resolved by the custom loader. The exceptions are references made with class loader calls with an explicit reference to the system class loader or another custom class loader. The following class references are all resolved by the custom class loader when they occur in servlet code:
Classes referenced by import statements and declarations.
Classes loaded dynamically using Class.forName(String). For example:
obj = Class.forName("");
Classes loaded by explicitly calling the java.lang.ClassLoader associated with the servlet instance, which can be retrieved with this code (this refers to the servlet instance):
ClassLoader loader = this.getClassLoader();
1.Use interfaces when I see that something in my design will change frequently. You should generally favor interfaces over inheritance when you want an object to have a certain type;
For example, the Strategy pattern lets you swap new algorithms and processes into your program without altering the objects that use them. A media player might know how to play CDs, MP3s, and wav files. Of course, you don't want to hardcode those playback algorithms into the player; that will make it difficult to add a new format like AVI. Furthermore, your code will be littered with useless case statements. And to add insult to injury, you will need to update those case statements each time you add a new algorithm. All in all, this is not a very object-oriented way to program.
2.What is an Abstract Class?
Java provides you with a special type of class, called an abstract class, which can help you, organize your classes based on common methods. An abstract class lets you put the common method names in one abstract class without having to write the actual implementation code. Following are the key points of abstract class –
Classes, which contain abstract methods, are called abstract classes.
A program cannot instantiated an abstract class as an object.
Abstract classes may contain a mixture of non-abstract and abstract methods. Non-abstract methods implement the method statements.
Any subclass, which extends the class containing abstract methods, must provide the implementation for all the abstract methods; otherwise the subclass itself becomes an abstract class.
Example: public abstract Class Book{
public abstract String readBook();
public abstract void writeBook(String text);
Many developers forget that a class that defines an abstract method can call that method as well. Abstract classes are an excellent way to create planned inheritance hierarchies. They're also a good choice for nonleaf classes in class hierarchies.
3.Difference between VO (Value Object) and DTO (Data Transfer Object)
- The motivation behind a VO is to wrap a single discrete value that can be tested for equivalence with another VO of that type
- The motivation behind a DTO is to wrap multiple discrete values so that they can be treated as a single, discrete, first-class object.
A DTO is basically a plain Java Bean class that contains the data that flows between different layers in the application.
The DTO, Transfer Object and Value Object are all similar, and have been used extensively by the J2EE community. A Value Object usually represents an immutable Java Bean object (get methods only) extracted from an Entity Bean through a getValueObject() method call, while the DTO is more generically used to refer to a Java Bean object holding data transferred through remote calls. The Transfer Object is used to describe the DTO used by business components that are either a Session Bean, an Entity Bean or a DAO (Data Access Object).
4. The Gang of Four Design Patterns book [2] describes the Facade pattern as "a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. It defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use."; use a session bean as a facade to encapsulate the complexity of interactions between the business objects participating in a workflow. The Session Facade manages the business objects, and provides a uniform coarse-grained service access layer to clients.By employing the SessionFacade, the client is provided with a coarse-grained way to access the EJB Layer.
5. Use a Business Delegate to reduce coupling between presentation-tier clients and business services. The Business Delegate hides the underlying implementation details of the business service, such as lookup and access details of the EJB architecture